Seed to Table
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Organic Vegetables


A step-by-step guide to creating the vegetable garden of your dreams. 
You can grow your own food, and do it well!

If you are you ready to take your vegetable growing to new heights, you are in the right place. Whether you are starting from scratch on a new garden site or finally making an effort to refine your methods after a few years of trial and error, the Seed to Table course is here to help.

Stop repeating mistakes of the past and commit to making steady incremental progress in your vegetable garden.

Spend less time researching, wondering, and doubting your methods, and finally start growing with confidence.

Overcome obstacles within a community of like-minded vegetable growers using proven science-based solutions.

Here's a taste of what's inside...
By the end of this course, 
you will be able to...

Plan and build a effective garden layout that maximizes your growing season, uses your space to its full potential, and matches the garden outcomes you desire for your family.


Grow strong and productive plants from seed to harvest by preparing healthy soil, using proper spacing, automating irrigation, and integrating effective weed management techniques.


Preserve the fruits of your labour by harvesting at the right time, storing your crops properly, and incorporating your produce into your meal planning in all seasons of the year.

But above all else...

The Seed to Table course will take the guesswork out of vegetable growing

and guide you through a process you can use to achieve consistent results in your garden, year after year.

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Instead of feeling overwhelmed, stressed and depressed at how my garden looks and is performing, I feel joyful, excited and in control. I look forward to going out to the garden each day and I'm excited to share what I'm learning and growing with others.

Cynthia Monk

What's included?

The Seed to Table course has everything you need to grow your own food with confidence!  Here's a look at the resources you will have at your finger tips as soon as you enroll.

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Video Instruction

Every essential subject is covered in depth with a science-based approach and no fluff.  When it is best to teach key concepts in the studio, we cover content with photos, tables, and graphs.  When it is best to teach methods in the garden, we head out to the field with my video camera.

Course Workbook

We both know that you won't solve all of your problems just by watching videos, so I have created an interactive course workbook with notes and activities to accompany the lessons.   This workbook will help you turn key concepts into concrete actions you can apply in your garden.  

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Customizable Spreadsheets

Years of growing records have been combined to create our comprehensive collection of spreadsheet planners and calculators.  With these resources, you'll be able to organize your production planning, seed starting, and plant spacing like a pro.

Garden Planner

Get access to our one of a kind garden planning template that allows you to schedule relay and succession plantings throughout your growing season.  This tool alone will take your planning game to a whole new level.

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LIVE Q & A Sessions

Access support from me directly through our regular LIVE Q & A sessions.  Here, we can meet face-to-face and cover the subjects most pressing to you, one at a time.  This is the access to expertise that I longed for when I was getting started!

Classroom Community

Connect with your fellow Seed to Table classmates in our online Classroom area.  This is the home for all of our social interactions, LIVE bonus features, and an ever expanding bank of growing resources available to you 24/7.

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This course completely changed the way my family gardens and grows food in the best possible way.  After implementing some of Jared's top recommended strategies and practices, the results clearly spoke for themselves: best quality and production we have ever had this year for everything from root storage vegetables to leafy greens, to tomatoes, to strawberries.

Carla Dombowsky

Course Curriculum

This course is designed to help you understand the whole process from seed to table, because true success in the vegetable garden depends on a lot more than how you put your plants in the ground. 

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The 8 stages of the Growing Cycle will serve as the foundational modules for the course.  By addressing subjects in this natural and logical order, the course content will flow smoothly from one module to the next and you will clearly be able to identify areas for improvement.

Open the module tabs below for a closer look at the course content included at each stage of the Growing Cycle.  This outline is our recipe for success!

We are going to cover a lot together, and the difference between your current garden and your dream garden might seem pretty large right now, but know that you won't be expected to implement all of the changes you want in just one year.  That's a recipe for burnout and the path to self-sufficiency needs to be sustainable, so I would much rather prepare you for success in the long run.  That's why you will be taught to personalize your unique growing cycle, and set specific and achievable targets that will help you make incremental improvements each season.  

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I have studied from some amazing growers over the past 3 years, but I must admit that the Vegetable Academy has become my favourite resource. I really appreciate Jared's style of teaching, organization, and his genuine dedication to growing food.

Mark Diakiw

Get to Know Your Instructor

Jared Regier is an urban farmer and educator from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan who is passionate about building a more sustainable future.  He loves teaching people how to grow their own food because it is such a powerful vehicle for positive change in individuals and communities.

For 6 years, Jared owned and operated an award winning urban farm, so he's pretty comfortable in the vegetable world today.  His first career as a high school teacher helped him develop an ability to simplify and communicate complex ideas.  So when the farm started to get noticed and people began to ask if they could learn how to grow vegetables like that in their own backyard, it was only natural for Jared to answer the call.  Now, his teaching and farming experience have found perfect harmony here at the Vegetable Academy where he aims to put the knowledge and tools of the vegetable farmer in the hands of the home gardener.


Jared's approach to teaching is organized, logical, and light hearted.  He loves to learn and enjoys passing on these lessons to his students so he can watch them experience success too.  His practical lessons are always rooted in first hand experience and/or scientific studies because there's no sense in passing on misinformation.  Jared delights in helping others take responsibility for growing their own food, and the limitless number of learning opportunities in the vegetable garden are sure to keep this work interesting for years to come.

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Jared helps you design for your needs and he has tried and tested the best garden infrastructure so you don't have too! This can shave years off of your trial and error in the garden. [...] Now we are eating something we grew in the garden everyday! Zone 4

Anna Mathis

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Select the best plan for you and get instant access today!

Not quite sure what you're getting into?

Prices listed in Canadian dollars.


    Every month
    Valid for 8 months
    • Unlock 1 New Module Each Month
    • Lifetime Access to Course Content
    • 8 Focussed Training Modules
    • 40 Hours of Video Lessons
    • 25 Part Actionable Workbook
    • Customizable Spreadsheet Collection
    • Garden Planner Template
    • Course Resource Library
    • LIVE Q & A Sessions (8 months)
    • LIVE Monthly Features (8 months)
    • Recordings Archive (8 months)
    • Private Course Community (8 months)
    • Classroom Support (8 months)

    Valid for 12 months
    • Unlock All Modules Immediately
    • Lifetime Access to Course Content
    • 8 Focussed Training Modules
    • 40 Hours of Video Lessons
    • 25 Part Actionable Workbook
    • Customizable Spreadsheet Collection
    • Garden Planner Template
    • Course Resource Library
    • LIVE Q & A Sessions (1 year)
    • LIVE Monthly Features (1 year)
    • Recordings Archive (1 year)
    • Private Course Community (1 year)
    • Classroom Support (1 year)

    Valid for 12 months
    • Unlock All Modules Immediately
    • Lifetime Access to Course Content
    • 8 Focussed Training Modules
    • 40 Hours of Video Lessons
    • 25 Part Actionable Workbook
    • Customizable Spreadsheet Collection
    • Garden Planner Template
    • Course Resource Library
    • LIVE Q & A Sessions (1 year)
    • LIVE Monthly Features (1 year)
    • Recordings Archive (1 year)
    • Private Course Community (1 year)
    • Classroom Support (1 year)
    • 3 Private Consultations (1 year)

Satisfaction Guaranteed

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The methods taught in the Seed to Table course have proven to be so effective for ourselves and our students that I am willing to offer a money back guarantee.  If you still don't experience success after completing the course workbook and you show me that you implemented the methods taught, then I will offer you a full refund of your course investment.  

Frequently Asked Questions

At this point, there might one or two things you are still wondering about so I have included answers to some common questions below.   If you have any other concerns or questions, you are welcome to use the interactive video here to connect with me.   I will do my best to help you figure out whether or not this course is a good fit for you.

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We know that Jared has put in countless years of intense gardening experience, with thoughtful, diligent research!  You Tube videos are fun to watch but the trust we built in Jared's information has made him our go to guy every time.

Donna Hagel and Mike Feldman

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Student Testimonials

Read what students have to say about their Seed to Table experience.

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When it is easy to start feeling tired and overwhelmed in the garden, I'm thankful for the membership sessions [...] Each month they teach me something new and keep me motivated to get back out in the garden!

Laura Wiens

Thank you                for visiting.
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Feel free to contact us, but please post your vegetable growing questions in our online Classroom.

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© 2020 Vegetable Academy

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