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The Covers Come Off and Visitors Roll By

There has been an unbelievable amount of physical change on the farm in the last month.  It's hard to decide where to start really.  Each sunny day has been filled with compost spreading, seeding, and transplanting in varying proportions and locations, and the few rainy days we have had have allowed precious time for cleaning and repair work around our home base.  May is always a very physical month on the farm and I frequently find myself feeling thankful that harvests and deliveries do not begin until June, but here we are.  It's time to get rolling with the harvesting routines.

I am beginning to breath a little easier now that most of our plot preparation is done and many of our crops are becoming well established.  We are starting to see lots of growth in the field which is a nice reward for the time and energy invested upfront.  It is also nice to be able to remove a lot of our season extension covers now, as the soil has warmed and summer temperatures have settled in pretty well.  

The largest undertaking for us this month was hosting the Moveable Feast.  This Saskatoon Cycles event, organized in conjunction with the Nature City Festival, lead participants around the city by bike to enjoy fine foods in a progressive supper format.  While the group was at our farm, they enjoyed a fresh salad prepared with farm grown produce.  Our hosting effort was very much a family affair, and we are thankful for all of the support we had from our parents on and leading up to the big day.  Unfortunately, we did not have the support of the weather, but the group was able to squeeze into our high tunnel for some shelter from the rain.

Cyclists enjoy a salad in greenhouse.

After the Moveable Feast, we put our heads down for a couple more weeks of seeding and transplanting before hosting the next tour group, the Aden Bowman Collective Voice students.  It is exciting for us to have more growing space close to home now so it is easier to share what we are doing.  It is always fun to see the look on people's faces when they see how much can be grown in a small space and how beautiful that space can be.  We can provide so much of our own healthy food right here from our own backyard. It's clear that food like this belongs in the city beside the people that eat it, and together we are starting to understand what that city could look like.

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